My ways are not your ways says the Lord. For many will fall because of my unfailing love that surpasses all understanding of the world. What the world teaches is not what I teach or show. From what the world ...

Read James 3:1-13  For what you say or teach you are responsible to those to that you reach out. Know that judgment will come upon those that listen to your sharing through your tongue. There will always be people who ...

Many times you pray for me to change, but it’s not the situation or problem that needs to change it is your attitudes in your life that need to change. Listen to this song as this is a reminder to ...

(John 1) The beginning of the Word already started and the Word was God. My son Jesus is what the world needs today. Many try to seek my face but never see it because of the world’s distractions. The world ...

Do you have stress or worry about a situation that you simply don’t know what to do? Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and pleading with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. ...

Hi my name is Alvin and I have been a Christian for almost 11 years since 31st Aug 2011, to be honest, I am getting tired of being one and want to quit being one and become something else. Did ...

I recently started to learn new skills again. I was learning how to trade options and my main goal was to make some passive income to grow my missions fund and I was not aiming million dollars or anything which ...

Firstly as you are reading this article, I want to say I am a Pentecostal Christian and I do believe in science. I believe the earth is round and I believe in the advancement of science in medicine. But as ...

“Is anyone among you sick? Let them call the elders of the church to pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; ...

In case you are wondering if this term Christian “little gods” is even correct, the straight-up answer is no and it’s wrong. However, this term originated from the Word of Faith pastors and teachers. The basic idea behind this controversial ...