Motivation is a crucial aspect of life that helps us to achieve our goals and aspirations. It gives us the energy and drive to keep going even when things get tough. One source of motivation that has stood the test ...

Christmas is a holiday that commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ, who is considered by Christians to be the Son of God and the savior of humanity. The holiday is typically celebrated on December 25th by Christians around the world, ...

Have you ever been in a situation where you just don’t know what to do? Maybe it’s an issue at work, a difficult relationship, or perhaps a health issue. Whatever the situation, the Bible offers hope. By turning to its ...

Guilt is the beginning of repentance. The holy spirit prompt to those who do wrong to me to repent so that you can heal from all spiritual harm. Let those who want to be first be last and the last ...

Addictions are like habits of your own. You don’t know how and when to stop until you decide to have full control with self control. Many will think they have that control, but yet they do not take the sin ...

What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save them? – James 2:14 NIV As you have heard just yesterday it is possible to live a anger ...

This day will grow cold and weary for as you share the good news of my son Jesus Christ. Many disagree with His teachings and promises around the world. But know that my truth is real and honest and sincere ...

The coming of the Lord is near and many focus on doing the wrong things in life. How many of my believers actually believes the great commission? How many actually spend time to pray and seek my son Jesus. To ...

Know that the last days are near and the coming of my son is Jesus is coming soon. Many will grow cold and weary and not thinking of the end times but thinking only the present and future of where ...

The will of God is not something you have see in a day. It involves discipline and patience to seek my son Jesus to know and see what is pleasing to God. What is pleasing to you might not be ...