Conversation With God – Day 5 – Part 1

What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save them? – James 2:14 NIV

As you have heard just yesterday it is possible to live a anger free life through a daily life of forgives and love for others.

However while the message is all powerful as what many have claim , how many will actually do it.

Faith without deeds are dead and you know it. To those who have done it, I am well please but to those who hear the teaching and yet still judge others are as good as hypocrites in my eyes.

Those who consider to be my children do not see what I see or do , do not belong to me but as I have put in your heart of topic is the issue is on self love.

Self love has caused many to grow cold in the faith believing only in their desires and needs and not the will of my father in heaven. You know this well because you see what others do not see because my holy spirit prompt you what is not holy in my eyes.

While many will go against what you will say as truths because they do not pray and seek the father as you do.

How many of my servant actually pray and seek the Lord daily like you do, for I am please with this time we have every day.

Contincue to be bold for me and tell the world the dangers of self love. As you will get persecuted because of me , remember you will be blessed.