The Peace You Need Today

Peace has various meanings to different people, to some it might be conflicts and wars but for some, it might be conflicts against bosses, work clients, customers, and even spouses too! Everyone desires peace, especially right now people search everywhere for peace because they need comfort in their life.

If you are looking for that peace, look no further I have the answer for you where I will share with you “The Real Truth Peace” that only Jesus can provide today.

What is Peace?

Peace is defined as “harmony, tranquility, freedom from disturbance or a sense of security”. Depending on certain situations, to some peace could mean “well-being” and even “prosperity in wealth”. The Bible mentions the word “Peace” many times and there are different types of peace, including false peace, inner peace, peace with God, and peace with man.

In the Old Testament, the Hebrew word for “peace” is shalom, and that references to the relationship between God with men (Ps 85:8), nations (1 Kings 5:12) and people (Gen 34:21). Usually, people do desire peace in any of these situations and shalom is often linked to a covenant or a promise kept. Shalom is also often used as a standard greeting (1 Sam 25:6) that is still commonly used even in today’s culture.

Peace is a Gift From Jesus

Many people who do not believe in Jesus are searching for peace even today. Some even go to the extremes of going for worship, events, finding special people to be prayed for peace or even flying to different places just to seek for peace.

But that peace that they gathered is either false peace , empty peace or temporal peace. The thing you need to understand is peace cannot be bought or bride someone or something to get it. You only can receive peace only through God who freely gives to those that seek Jesus today.


Peace I leave you, My peace I give you; not as the world gives, do I give to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled, nor fearful.” – John 14:27

Jesus promises this peace that He gives, is not similar to those that others give. There will not be any fear or troubles when you receive this peace from Jesus.

How Do You Know If You Receive Real Peace?

The easiest way to know if you have peace today is to ask yourself these few questions.

  1. Do you feel you have a purpose in God today?
  2. Do your worries are there but you have peace and acceptance and less worries about them?
  3. Do you find yourself worry less what you desire in terms of money, career or life in general?
  4. Do you find yourself trusting in God in your life decision more?

If your answer is yes to any of the above questions, congrats you are currently experiencing the peace that the Bible describes. You see having peace from God is not so much that God will remove your problems or worries totally.

When you get that peace from God, what you are really doing is you grow your trust in God and therefore because of this trust you have for Jesus, you will gather peace , trust and relationship with God today.

God Commands Us To Seek Peace Everyday

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God.” – Mathew 5:9

You are blessed when you keep peace among your surroundings everyday. In that way, you are called sons of God. If you are Christian today, you should make every effort to live in peace with everyone around you including those that hate you too ( Romans 14:19). While it might be hard at times to have peace with those that just love making trouble, try to live peacefully with them too ( Romans 12:18).

As Christians, we are obligated to must have peace of God rule in your lives and hearts daily (Col 3:15). When you desire for peace, you must make a choice to either trust in God’s promises or rely on yourself and reject the peace He offers to you.

And that is one big reason why some people who are Christians cannot receive peace because they would rather reply on their own strengths, mediums, a person or a believe then God to provide this peace.

Those that choose to reject Jesus or God, will only receive a temporary peace and if you look back in their lives they will always have fear and not have peace in their hearts. In fact, most of them will have more worries over time or might be confused too.

You only can receive this peace, if you allow Jesus to give you that spirit of peace that only God can give and you will experience His peace (Gal 5:22-23).

So I pray at the end of today, you will seek Jesus today to find that peace.